Monday, November 29, 2021

Melo D's new album "Requiem"

Looking forward to hearing the new Melo D album “Requiem” coming out in just a few days. And I'm honored to have been invited to participate on a track called "Money Makes The World Go Round" which also features Prphet, Johnny Def and DJ Bomberjack. LYRICS: Manera keh possivel um simples papel controlá nôs tud! Controlá tud e tods, controlá nôs mund. Keh pa nô ser xcrav d ganancia. Ta sinti na direit d discriminá nôs próximo, simplisment por ter más oh mens Money. Refrão: money, Money makes the world go round Money, people go insane, Money, don’t believe it Money, who to blame Nô ta skecê d nôs cumpanher, jam ta cansod, jam ta cansod, Tont desigualdad entr nação (money makes the world go ´round) E fka ta sabê k maior percentagem d riqueza mundial tá na país subdesenvolvid, Manera keh possivel É importante que esse mundo também Se possa basear mais em compreensão Em estar bem, em ser bem, uns para os outros, e construir Construir de uma forma positiva, construir pra toda a gente, com toda a gente É importante não seguir apenas as leis do dinheiro Refrão: money, Money makes the world go ´round Money, makes people go insane, Money, don’t believe it Money, who to blame Guerra, drogas e tráfego humano, São as atividades mais lucrativas do planeta. Por isso é que nunca há paz! E o tráfego continua, Impune. Aldrabões! Os governos executam as ordens das corporações. Desviam milhões e contamos os tostões. Manipulam rádio, media, televisões. Mas, a vida e a saúde não têm preço, Troco um abraço do Ithaka por 1 milhão de euros! The lust for dividends, a source of much evil, Creating demons out of ordinary people. Diamonds and gold don’t grow on trees like leaves. And if greed leads, you’ll never be complete Keep money on your mind, not in your heart. And to a better place you will likely embark. True in life, ain’t no guarantees, But if you rule your money you’ll see the keys to liberty. And never sleep in the park, never be cold in the dark. Keep money on your mind, not in your heart. Yo Yo Yo, é o Cream Cash Flow Há quem chame de Doe, Bling Bling O dinheiro desaparece tipo Sting Fiz um milhão e então? Fiquei com 50 Kapas e um quinhão, O estado leva tudo tipo ladrão Ivas.. impostos adiantados Penhoras e penhorados Futuros adiados vivemos com o que ? Com esperança ........é sempre a mesma dança Já sabes que importância somos nós ! E tu ... qual é a tua voz ? Sub refrão: Keep money on your mind, not in your heart. Keep money on your mind, not in your heart. Refrão: money, Money makes the world go ´round Money, people go insane, Money, don’t believe it Money, who to blame ______________________________________ Portuguese hip hop (Hip hop português), more commonly called hip hop tuga ("tuga" here being a slang for "Portuguese"), is the Portuguese variety of hip hop music. It differs from mainstream hip hop because it has strong influences from African music, from Lusophone Africa, reggae and fado. Artists such as Valete and Sam the Kid are among the most popular. Old school Portuguese hip hop artists include DJ Bomberjack, General D, Chullage, Boss AC, Johnny Def, Melo D, Mind Da Gap, Dealema, Fuse, Mundo Segundo, Regula, Da Weasel, Sir Scratch, Don Nuno, and Guetto. The founder of hip hop tuga was rapper General D. Born in Maputo, Mozambique, General D moved to Lisbon at a young age and, even though he held a Portuguese passport and was heavily influenced by American rap, he always merged his music with his own Mozambican roots. He was the first rap-oriented artist of any kind to have a legitimate recording contract in Portugal. In 1994, he signed with Valentim de Carvalho, a Portuguese division of EMI Records, with whom he recorded two albums: Pé Na Tchôn, Karapinha Na Céu (1995) and Kanimabo (1997). Californian hip hop artist and poet, Ithaka (also known as: Ithaka Darin Pappas) is often included in the hip hop tuga community because he lived and recorded in Lisbon during 1992-1998 and was among the first wave of artists working with hip hop in Portugal. There he completed his first two (of eight) albums; Flowers And The Color Of Paint (1995) and Stellafly (1997). His 1995 song "Escape from the City of Angels" (featuring Lisbon's Marta Dias) was included in the soundtrack of Antoine Fuqua's U.S. feature film directorial debut The Replacement Killers (Columbia Pictures) starring Chow Yun Fat, Mira Sorvino, Clifton Collins Jr. and Michael Rooker. In a 2017 article in Rimas e Batidas titled "Os Álbuns Mais caros Do Hip Hop Português" ("The Most Expensive Portuguese Hip Hop Albums"), the journalist Hugo Jorge explains that the most sought after and used hip hop tuga records were made by Da Weasel, Fuse, Orelha Negra, Mind Da Gap, Micro, XEG, Mundo Segundo, Dealema and DJ Bomberjack.

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